Solutions We Offer

Life Safety Systems

These system takes care of life and property. Any untoward incident in a building can lead to loss of life and can damage property as well as data worth corers of rupees. But detecting such incidents well in advance and thereby taking necessary action to minimise the damages can be huge benefits. Automatic life safety systems does the exact job what is needed, taking away your worries.

Building Security Systems

Electronics security systems offers you protection from any vulnerable people who may damage your property. By monitoring and restricting these people, you make sure that your property or premise is safe. Electronic security system does the necessary job of monitoring your premise 24 X 7, alarm you when any of such vulnerable person enters the property and notify the security immediately so that actions can be taken instantly, hence giving you the peace of mind.

IoT based Monitoring Systems

Machines, security systems, life safety systems works continuously to produce, protect life, protect property & data, but when these systems get into problems, your prime purpose of production, protecting life, protecting property & data is hampered. Our IoT based monitoring systems keeps a check on these important systems, hence notifying your of any problems in real time and sometime in advance also.

Now we are also offering solutions in Industrial IoT, in predictive machine maintenance, production monitoring & energy monitoring for factories. Factories specifically having older setups. These systems greatly enhance the ability of machines to increase production without actually making huge investments to change the entire setups.

Please visit our Industrial IoT page to know more about the solutions.


A building is live environment. People work, they move. Safeguarding the building for peoples safety is the prime responsibility of the building owners. That responsibility is even more high-rise buildings as people move up, evacuating them become equally difficult. Many of the life safety system in collaboration with security systems make sure that your provide maximum protection for the building.

Below are the typical solutions we provide for protection of the buildings. These system work in collaboration with each other providing you the maximum benefits from the installed systems.


Industrial environment is different from a building. Working environments are different and hazard levels are also elevated. With various industrial process running continuously, risk of accidents increases. Industrial grade safety and security systems withstand the harsh industrial environments and gives you protection for life and property.

Below are the typical solutions we provide for industrial environment.


Designing and deploying systems are city levels are different than providing systems for buildings & factories. With the vast geographical areas to be covered, it requires great amount knowledge about the systems to be installed and supporting technologies like networking, power etc. For many years we have been associated with designing and deploying of CCTV surveillance across the city and monitoring various parameters for CCTV and Fire fighting systems.

Check our individual product offering in their respective categories